Thursday, June 07, 2007

Well, not only did March kick my butt, but so did April and May. I did finish my projects on time. Ok, I was hand sewing in the car on the way there, but I still finished. And we wore the outfits. Ravenswar has declared the red linen doublet, "His Favorite Thing Ever" I have taken the red wool dress apart and am in the process of reworking. I wore it, but it was too long in the waist. WAY too long in the waist. I also got a new dress dummy. A nice squishy one. Which is much longer in the waist than I am, hence the dress problem. But I am still so excited. And I found a male dress dummy, but I have to save up my pennies for it.

And in other projects, I'm working on needlepoint pillows for my Kingdom, and embroidered handkerchiefs for my Queen and more embroidered underwear for me.

And that's more than enough costume projects with work and school.
Plus I am in two weddings between now and October and my sister's getting married next June. So I'm just busy, busy, busy.
I'll try and get some pictures so you can see all this stuff soon, but I'm going to bed now, it's been a long day today.
I'll try to be better about posting, but no promises. Life has just gotten too crazy lately,